Saturday, November 30, 2019

Sula By Toni Morrison Essays - Sula, Toni Morrison, Nel

Sula By Toni Morrison Many works of contemporary American fiction involve one individual's search for identity in a stifling and unsympathetic world. In "Sula," Toni Morrison gives us two such individuals. In Nel and Sula, Morrison creates two individual female characters that at first are separate, grows together, and then is separated once more. Although never physically reconciled, Nel's self discovery at the end of the novel permits the achievement of an almost impossible quest - the conjunction of two selves. And that is what I think really makes the novel work. I found that it's a great book that gives us a look at these two great characters. Morrison says she created Sula as "a woman who could be used as a classic type of evil force" and that she "wanted Nel to be a warm, conventional woman." She says "there was a little bit of both in each of these women... if they had been one woman... they would have been a rather marvelous person. But each one lacked something the other had." Morrison, thus, creates two completely different women yet allows them to merge into one. The sustainment of the two selves as one proves difficult and Morrison allows them to pursue different paths. But the two women's separate journeys and individual searches for their own selves leads to nothing but despair and Sula's death. Nel's realization that they were only truly individuals when they were joined as one allows them to merge once again. Morrison portrays Sula and Nel as binary opposites at the beginning of the novel. In our first view of Nel she is as conventional and conforming as a young lady can be: Under Helene's hand the girl became obedient and polite. Her mother calmed any enthusiasms that Nel showed until she drove her daughter's imagination underground. (p.18) In this passage Nel is merely an extension of her mother with no autonomy of her own. Helene's hand is the iron fist of authority from under which Nel cannot release herself. Morrison makes it clear here that Nel is a calm and unimaginative girl who conforms completely to her mother's strict orders. Sula, on the other hand, comes from a totally different background. She is her own person as she has "none of her mother's slackness" (p.29) and, unlike the "oppressive neatness"(p.29) of Nel's house, lives in a woolly house, where a pot of something was always cooking on the stove; where the mother, Hannah, never scolded or gave directions; where all sorts of people dropped in; where newspapers were stacked in the hallway, and dirty dishes left for hours at a time in the sink, and where a one-legged grandmother named Eva handed you goobers from deep inside her pockets or read you a dream. (p.29) Where Nel is confined, Sula is free. Where Nel has been raised to be an extension of her mother, Sula has surprisingly few ties to hers. Nel's imagination has been so restricted that the messiness of Sula's house along with its strange inhabitants and many visitors must seem like an absolute dream world. Similarly, the tidiness of Nel's house compared with the disorderliness of her own allows Sula to "sit still as dawn." (p.29) Morrison makes it clear in these instances that "each one lacked something the other had." That "something" is neither small nor insignificant. It is the fundamental make-up of each girl's character. Morrison deliberately portrays Nel and Sula in this manner to illustrate emphatically how entirely different they originally are. They are so different, in fact, that they are two facets of the same being - Nel conventional and orderly; and Sula unconventional and unsettled. The comfort each feels in the other's home demonstrates their initial and subconscious desire to merge into one being. Morrison intimates, in these instances, that the two facets cannot thrive individually and hints that they will soon become one. This merger takes place most dramatically with Sula's accidental murder of Chicken Little. Looking back on this incident Nel recalls that: All these years she had been secretly proud of her calm, controlled behavior when Sula was uncontrollable, her compassion for Sula's frightened and shamed eyes. Now it seemed that what she had thought was maturity, serenity and compassion was only the tranquillity that follows a joyful stimulation. Just as the water closed peacefully over the turbulence of Chicken Little's body, so had contentment washed over her enjoyment. (p.170) This passage reveals that the original binary opposite characters are no longer very different. During this incident Nel, the former calm and

Monday, November 25, 2019

A Critical Evaluation Of The Public Management Reform Agenda In Relation To Decentralisation In The Nhs The WritePass Journal

A Critical Evaluation Of The Public Management Reform Agenda In Relation To Decentralisation In The Nhs Abstract A Critical Evaluation Of The Public Management Reform Agenda In Relation To Decentralisation In The Nhs AbstractIntroductionThe Overall Approach to New Public ManagementEvidence of NHS DecentralisationProblems with DecentralisationConclusionsReferencesRelated Abstract The decentralisation of the NHS has been part of a considerable agenda put forward by the public sector in general in a bid to create greater efficiencies and to ensure that the end user is gaining a better service within the budget confines. Over the years there has been a decided move towards the notion of decentralisation of the NHS as a means of ensuring that localised decisions are made more readily and that they are in keeping with the needs of the individuals in the area. Despite the benefits associated with decentralisation there are also several negatives including the lack of consistency which have been identified and considered during this paper. Introduction Recent pressures across the public sector has led to an increasing focus on ensuring that greater efficiency is achieved in some of the key services being provided across the UK. In this paper, the focus is on the NHS and how decentralisation could potentially allow the NHS to provide a more efficient service to the end users, i.e. the patients. Whilst still retaining a tight budget is still paramount, recent reforms have involved giving much greater control at the local level to the overall NHS budget which is estimated to be in excess of  £80 billion. In particular, GPs have been given much greater control over the way in which services are delivered and arguments have been presented that individual GPs are in a much better place to identify the needs of their particular patient group and therefore the budgets which are available to them will be used to better effect (Audit Commission 1996). Despite this, any major form of decentralisation of public service needs to be considered in much greater detail, in order to ascertain whether or not true efficiency is being achieved, or whether there are some failings of the decentralisation process which need to be dealt with, before the underlying aim of decentralisation can be achieved (Leach et al. 1994). Specific agendas have been set out in order to achieve decentralisation within the NHS with several primary care trusts (PCTs) taking this policy in creating their own sets of rules and requirements when it comes to the direct provision of services within their area, with a large focus being put on the patients themselves. For example, as part of the management review, the focus was placed on patient satisfaction and gaining information from the patients themselves, in terms of how they felt their individual needs were being met. This could be seen as part of the wider concept of â€Å"patient first†, which aims to ensure that the NHS is making decisions at the lowest level which directly impacts on the patient, something which requires at least some degree of decentralisation to be instigated (Batley and Larbi, 2004). Decentralisation in this case has therefore been a process of transferring authority and decision making suggesting that devolution is the key method of decentr alisation with the key factor being the shift of power and decision making from the central organisation to the individual areas. The management reform agenda across the NHS changed the traditional way that patients are looked at and considered them as customers, rather than the end consumers who have little or no choice as to how they receive the relevant services. This new agenda focuses on the patient as a partner in the NHS, rather than an end user with no choices available to them (Clarke et al. 2000). This shift is central to the overall agenda regardless of the actual practical approach taken in each area. When combining the underlying concept within the NHS with principles of decentralisation, it can be seen that decentralisation is in fact a fundamental part of delivering this new agenda. Decentralisation is viewed as a means of transferring authority from a central location down to other levels within the organisation. When applying this within the NHS, this would allow individuals at the local level to make decisions in terms of how the budget is spent and how patient services are planned and delivered, rather than being dictated to by a central authority. The Overall Approach to New Public Management Decentralisation does not come alone, but as part of a wider reform package agenda which looks at the overall performance of the NHS. More specifically, this involves taking into consideration not only the way in which decisions are made, but also ensures greater accountability for performance management at a localised level. This again is an example of devolution and the shifting of overall power rather than maintaining the power centrally. When it comes to applying the agenda for the change for the NHS, the ultimate impact for those within the NHS is that decision-making is carried out at a level which is much closer to the end user, thus ensuring that individual user needs are taken into account in much greater detail than they would be if these decisions were made at a higher level which is largely divorced from the needs of the end-user. Difficulties do however emerge when decentralisation is not undertaken in a consistent manner, as this may result in a situation whereby certain areas are dealt with very differently from others, resulting in the so-called postcode lottery, with end users having little or no confidence in the NHS and even changing their own geographical location, in order to allow them to receive services which they deem to be important. This general approach to decentralisation is being seen under the umbrella term of new public management agenda and the recognition that when it comes to providing public services there needs to be bottom up input if this is to be successful and if budgets are to be used appropriately and efficiently. This creates a potential discrepancy between the need to ensure consistency of service and consistency of performance, but also allowing individual providers to have a degree of flexibility regarding how they deliver the services within their specific area. One of the benefits which are perceived to be linked to the decentralisation of the NHS is the fact that the individual patients are more likely to receive the appropriate level of care which is tailored to their needs. Where decisions are made at the local level, it is likely that the decision can be made more effectively and arguably with better knowledge of what services precisely are required. By adding greater power and choice at a more local level, be it within the primary care trust itself, or even at such a local level as the individual GP practice, this requires individuals at this lower level to have a broader range of skills; it will also require these individuals to become involved in people management and budget, planning, which may require a shift in training and may even be unsuitable for certain types of personalities, to such an extent that it may be necessary to have a change in management structure, at the local level (Gilardi, 2008). Essentially therefore the approach involves creating a framework agenda which establishes the overall principles yet allowing individual PCTs to apply this with reference to their own individual circumstances and position. Accountability is an interesting by-product, which has happened as a result of the decentralisation of the NHS, where the organisation itself and the people making the fundamental decisions in relation to budget allocation and the services being provided are much more visible to those who ultimately receive these services and this makes the whole process considerably more accountable. For example, the GP who has made a decision as to who should receive a specific treatment will need to inform those individuals, personally. This makes the decision making process much more personal than would be the case, if the decisions were being made centrally, with no direct contact with the end patient. Although this is seen as an interesting way of achieving accountability which is relatively effective, it can also create difficulties within the local service itself, with countless additional pressures being placed on GPs and local service providers, as they now require much greater people manag ement skills, as well as the ability to undertake clinical work which they originally trained to undertake. Evidence of NHS Decentralisation In order to test these theories, it is helpful to look at any evidence which has emerged in terms of how decentralisation has impacted upon patients within NHS, in recent years. There is at least some evidence to suggest that, where local health boards make the decisions, they feel more responsible for those within their locality and this may result in certain groups of the community gaining a more appropriate response to their requirements. However, there is also some concern that, by having decentralised powers, certain groups are able to gain greater attention than other groups, simply because they â€Å"shout louder† or are asking in a more constructive way to reflect the feelings that are dominant in that particular area but this may mean that other minority groups are overlooked (NHS 2010). Consider, for example, a geographic area which is heavily dominated by an elderly population. Whilst decentralised powers may allow for this group of elderly individuals to receive mo re tailored care, other smaller groups may then find that their budget is curtailed to such an extent that they do not receive the basic level of care which other patients in other care regions would receive. Where these types of local decisions may be deemed to result in a more efficient allocation to the people, it can lead to feelings of discontent amongst the public in general (McKevitt, 1998). Despite the higher level of general interaction between the health service and local groups and individuals, there is no evidence that this high level of local participation has had any impact on local policies; however, any form of interaction directly between those who make decisions and those who use the services are ultimately likely to shape the types of policies that are being applied, even if this is not immediate or direct (Robinson and Le Grand 1994). Arguably, the success of decentralisation is likely to depend on the checks and balances that are presented, at a local level, and the way in which each local authority deals with this increased power which is being given to it. By having patient involvement at ground level and ensuring that patient partnerships are maintained, at all times, a much greater level of public involvement will be achieved. This will enable the positive effects of decentralisation to be enjoyed more readily (Pollitt et al 1998). Problems with Decentralisation The difficulty which has arisen from the decentralisation of the NHS is the fact that there is still the need for some form of central co-ordination. Moreover, where funding is being provided from a central source, a considerable amount of time and effort is placed on competing for the central resources which, in itself, absorbs some of the funding that is available and should be better directed towards the end users. In order to retain at least some control, the agenda within the NHS involves having certain defined performance targets which are centrally allocated and which, to a large extent, override any freedoms which decentralisation may encourage. For example, if a local authority is under pressure to provide certain care for specific groups in society, the amount of choice and freedom which they have at a local level is substantially reduced (Goddard and Mannion, 2006). From the outset, it was the intention to create an independent NHS trust which is able to make its own decisions and which is no longer under the direct control of central government. However, this has not been entirely achieved. The government has taken the approach of focusing on management agenda at every level of the NHS, suggesting that local entities and local foundation trusts need to earn the autonomy which they seek. With this in mind, it could be argued that the decentralisation process within the NHS has created a framework which will enable successful localised decisions, in the future, but that this will in fact take a prolonged period of time and will require a shift in management activity and interaction, before the benefits of decentralisation can be fully enjoyed. In the meantime, local NHS foundation trusts will still require a central control. Conclusions Nevertheless, shifting budget choices and decision making power more towards those who are closer to the end users is undoubtedly likely to be beneficial to the provision of efficient and targeted services, in the long-term. However, with this type of localised decision-making comes discrepancies between localities; this in itself can create problems within the overall NHS system which need to be reverted to central control, if the differences are not to become so major that they are destructive to the overall benefits which are seen to be linked to decentralisation. By looking at the management agenda within the NHS, the realities of achieving efficient decentralisation, it becomes apparent that it is simply impractical to state that decentralisation can happen entirely, or that it is going to be successful in every single situation. It is concluded, therefore that, whilst the decentralisation of public services, in this case, has provided opportunities for the link between the end user, i.e. the patient, who is now perceived to be a customer, with those providing the services, is much closer and allows for greater efficiency when it comes to allocating resources. Furthermore, central control still needs to be maintained, at least to a certain extent, if there is to be sufficient uniformity in the way that the services are provided and if this flexibility in itself does not create more problems than it solves (Burns et. al. 1994). One thing that is certain, however, is the fact that decentralisation within the NHS will be a gradual process, with certain aspects of this decentralisation requiring much greater control and a much slower process, in order to ensure that consistency of service provision and decision making is fundamentally maintained within the NHS, while also allowing this to be applied at the local level to meet with local demands, something which is at the heart of the new NHS agenda. References Audit Commission, (1996) What the doctor ordered: a study of GP fundholders in England and Wales. London Batley, R. and Larbi, G. (2004) The changing role of government, Palgrave. Burns, D., Hambleton, R. and Hoggett, P. (1994) The Politics of Decentralisation: Revitalising Local Democracy,   Macmillan,   Part 2, especially Ch 4 Clarke, J., Gerwitz, S. and McLaughlin, E. (2000) ‘Reinventing the Welfare State’ in Clarke, J., Gerwitz, S. and McLaughlin, E.   New Managerialism, New Welfare, Sage. Gilardi, F. (2008) Delegation in the regulatory state:independent regulatory agencies in western Europe, Goddard, M., Mannion, R. (2006) Decentralising the NHS: rhetoric, reality and paradox, Journal of Health Organization and Management, Vol. W0 Iss: 1, pp.67 73 Leach, S., Stewart, J. and Walsh, K. (1994) The Changing Organisation and Management of Local Government, Macmillan,   Ch 6: Decentralised organisation and management in local government McKevitt, D .(1998) Managing Core Public Services, Basil Blackwell, Chapter 1. NHS (2010) Liberating the NHS White Paper. Policy Paper Pollitt, C., Birchall, J. and Putman, K. (1998) Decentralising Public Service Management, Macmillan Robinson R, and Le Grand J, (1994) Evaluating the NHS Reforms. London: Kings Fund Institute

Friday, November 22, 2019

Application of Organisational Behaviour in Management

Application of Organisational Behaviour in Management In this paper I am going to describe the theme about organisational behaviour and to analyze and explore the aspects of organisational behaviour theory and its application in practice. The background of organisational behaviour The term originated in the early of 60’s (20th century), when several lines of scientific disciplines involved in explaining the processes that occur in the organisation, between organisations, as well as between the external and internal environment combined into a single entity. In spite of the increasing theorisation of organisational behaviour, it is actively used in practice. Businessmen mocked the concepts such as a group work or enrichment work for decades, as long as the consultants began to sell these ideas under the guise of a new tendency called â€Å"compressed production.† In the beginning they mocked â€Å"discussion of organisational culture†, but accepted these theories when consultants began to submit them under the label â€Å"organisational advantage, organisational skills.† Sometimes, the practitioners faced to different problems and became â€Å"the gullible victims† of the organisational fashion, the same ideas and researches. For example, the enthusiasm for â€Å"organisational excellence† mostly meant that people had never tried to assimilate and apply the standard concepts of organisational behaviour, which were known by at least thirty years before. Organisational behaviour is a systematic and scientific analysis of individuals, groups and organisations in order to understand, predict and improve the individual performance and functioning of the organisation (i.e., based on personality). Organisational behaviour is a study of people and groups in the organisation. This is an academic discipline, which helps managers to make effective decisions when working with people in a complex dynamic environment. It combines concepts and theories related to individuals, groups, org anisations in general. In accordance with the latter definition I can distinguish three levels of behaviour problems: Personal Group and Organisational Richard Pettinger proves the fact that organisational behaviour is concerned with: â€Å"the purposes for which organisations are created; the behaviour of individuals, and an understanding of the pressures and influences that cause them to act and react in particular ways; the qualities that individuals bring to particular situations; the creation of groups, collections of people brought together for given purposes; the background and context within which activities take place; relationships and interactions with the wider environment with other organisations and groups; the management and ordering of the whole and its parts into productive and effective work relationships.† (Pettinger (2000) page 4). Organisational behaviour is a systematic study and practical application of knowledge about how people (individuals an d groups) interact within the organisation. According to Simms, Price & Ervin the main purposes of organisational theorists are â€Å"to revitalize organisational theory and develop a better conceptualisation of organisational life.† (Simms, Price and Ervin (1994) page 121). Jablin and Putnam admit that â€Å"an organisational theorist should carefully consider levels assumptions being made in theory, and is concerned to help managers and administrators.† (Jablin and Putnam (2000) page 146). The main approaches to the study of organisational behaviour There are two basic approaches: Trial and error method, based on the accumulation of life experiences to find effective behaviours. Using special techniques and methods of related disciplines. This approach involves the mastery of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. It is important for a manager to combine both approaches. There are the following techniques in the study of organisational behaviour: surveys, including interviews, questionnaires, testing. Collection and analysis of information (based on the study of documents). Observation and experiment.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Finding the Right College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Finding the Right College - Essay Example The college provides various scholarships and grants that rate up to $10,000 a year. Hence my yearly college expense will be around $114,492. However, considering the high boarding charges, staying at home would reduce my yearly expenses by $11,780. Though the cost seems to be pretty high, a degree from a reputed institution would lead to a great future. Considering the value of a degree obtained from New York University, several openings are available all around the US. Being a graduate in Statistics, I have the choice of entering into medical research, business research or financial accounting. For a career in Statistics, the salary package ranges from $29,000 - $197,000. I have mentioned a few concerns that offer glossy salary: Smith Hanley Consulting Group, PharmaNet, ClinForce, McGrath Systems and Robert Half Finance & Accounting U.S. For a Statistician/Statistical Programmer at Smith Hanley Consulting Group and PharmaNet, the pay ranges from $50,000 - $70,000 per year. Being a biostatistician at ClinForce, I would eventually receive $65,000 in a short span. Hence staying at home, I would be able to pay my loan in a 10-year span with this salary. I could even consider being placed at McGrath Systems and Robert Half Finance & Accounting Cost Research Analyst or Accountant. The pay ranges from $40,000 - $50,000 per year. All the jobs may enable me to pay back the loan in a 20-year plan if I consider staying at my relative’s residence during college. With research, I have found that acquiring just a degree in Statistics would not help me to land up in such high profile jobs.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Edward Jones As One Of The Famous Organization In The Brokerage Case Study

Edward Jones As One Of The Famous Organization In The Brokerage Industry - Case Study Example The firm deals in individual bonds and stocks and mainly targeted the rural and sub urban areas. But wit time as the firms succeed, it decided to enter the fast growing economies but to its shock it faced difficulty in entering the urban areas with its concept. Thus the paper deals with the strategy that the firm adopted in order to stay competitive and competitive advantage over its competitors. The brokerage industry suffered a huge threat from the financial analysis such as the banks which also started to provide similar kind of offerings as the brokerage firms. To overcome this threat and make a place in the minds of the customers the firm decided to adopt the differentiation and expansion strategy offering the customers services which they look forward for and ensure high savings. The report deals with internal and external assessment of the industry and the firm by implementing the tools such as PEST analysis, Porters five force and VIRO Analysis. The current strategies have be en discussed along with the current issues and each of the alternatives is evaluated and finally recommendation has been provided to Edward Jones to adapt to the expansion strategy. Contents Executive Summary 2 External Assessment 4 Internal Assessment 5 Current Strategies 6 Key Issues 7 Implementable Strategic Alternatives 8 Criteria and Evaluation of Alternatives by Criteria 9 Recommendation and its Implementation 10 Limitations and Critique of Recommendation 10 Reference 12 Exhibits 13 Exhibit 1: External Assessment 13 Exhibit 2: Internal Analysis 15 Exhibit 3: Structure of strategic Alternatives 17 Exhibit 4: Assumption and Justification 19 Exhibit 5: NPV of Expansion Strategy 20 Exhibit 6: Action plan 21 External Assessment The retail brokerage industry enabled the individual consumers to invest in financial assets such as bonds and stocks. The industry has grown in the second half of the 20 century which has increased the individual ownership of financial assets and also incre ased the demand for brokerage services. A fundamental shift in the income level has also increased the responsibility of individuals for retirement’s assets. The brokerage business also grew with the rise in value of stock market. This increase made the stock much more attractive. With the baby boomer generation reaching the phase of retirement their financial concern has shifted from the accumulation of savings for retirement to the distribution of the assets. The retail brokerage industry showed growth opportunity in the field on technology and social factors. With an increased in the pension plans, people started to invest more giving rise to retail brokerage. Also with low substitute, the retail brokerage industry has the opportunity to grow and regain its place which it had made few years back. Opportunity lies with the adoption of new and latest technology along with moderate price, the retail brokerage industry has a wide opportunity to flourish in the world of online investment. This factor can also lead to threat because the number of online users has increased, missing out the attention by individual broker (Exhibit 1) However threat lies with the risk of entry of potential competitors which tends to increase the number of competitors and diversity of the products. Another weakness lies with the firm’s brand value which still stands behind in terms of brand awareness in the urban areas and with more of the clients using off the online services poses a huge threat for Edward Jones. Internal Assessment Edward Jones is a brokerage firm and serves only individual consumers and has segmented customers based on three criteria, retires preretirees and the small business owners. Edward Jones became the fourth largest broker

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Essay Example for Free

Strategic Management Accounting Essay This is an individual assignment of 3,000 words (+/-10%), excluding appendices and bibliography. The word count MUST be shown on the front of the assignment. There are TWO questions to be answered in this assignment. Each question carries a maximum mark of 50%. All of the learning outcomes for the module are being assessed in this assignment. The learning outcomes are shown in the section entitled â€Å"Marking Guide†, which is further on in this document. The University’s policy on cheating collusion and plagiarism will be applied to this piece of work. You are required to produce a report which answers the following TWO questions: Question 1 XYZ Limited is a medium sized manufacturing business which makes and sells products to a range of industrial customers who use XYZ’s products in their own products. The working capital of XYZ is typical of a manufacturing organisation in that at any point in time they have cash, trade receivables, inventories of raw materials, work in progress and finished goods and trade payables. The Managing Director of XYZ Limited believes that all parts of the working capital cycle could be improved and has asked you to produce a report which discusses how each part of the working capital cycle could be improved and which critically evaluates the implications of the improvements on XYZ and other connected parties (for example trade receivables and trade payables). Question 2 Many organisations use transfer pricing when transferring products between different divisions of the same organisation. You are required to discuss in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of the following four methods: 1) Market based transfer prices; 2) Full cost transfer prices; 3) Cost-plus a mark-up transfer prices; and 4) Negotiated transfer prices. Guidance: Students are encouraged to be inquisitive and innovative in their approach as to what should be included in this report. The following may be of some use in providing guidance as to what could possibly be included, although this is in no way meant to be prescriptive. The aim of the assignment is to help you understand how key areas of strategic management accounting are applied in practice. This will include investigating topics from throughout the course linked to the above issues. Some of the principles, concepts and models will be more relevant to your chosen approach than others and so it is likely that different students will formulate different approaches to the problems. This is normal it is not expected that all of the course content will be used in the analysis concentrate on that which you feel is most important. As part of your work you might find it helpful to briefly explore the underlying theory behind the key areas of investigation that you identify before applying them to report. With a total of 3,000 words you do not have a lot of room for long introductions so assume you are writing to a sophisticated audience who has a working knowledge of strategic management accounting and is well versed in business theory. Numerical example for illustrative purposes may be of use  but should not be the main thrust of the work. If used they should be to provide evidence to support your findings from your other analysis of position and policies. If other sources are used remember to reference everything! Please avoid relying too heavily on descriptive sections reproducing information available from course material or the set text. It is your own logical, evaluation of the situation, the interpretation of course material and presentation, with critical analysis, of a coherent strategic plan that will attract high marks. Marking Guide The learning outcomes for this module assessed by this piece of work are Knowledge 1. Critically evaluate a range of key strategic management accounting models and concepts. 2. Critically understand of specific analytical skills in key areas within management accounting at local and international level 3. Critically understand of the role and limitations of management accounting theory. Skills 4. Applied the key management accounting concepts and methodologies in order to contribute to successful decision making in an organisation. In light of this the assessment criteria in the grid below will be used when assessing your work.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The American Penal System Essay -- solitary confinement, punishment, se

Imagine living your life inside of an enclosed, seven by twelve foot, concrete cell. The only access you have to outside world is the small slot in the door used for delivering medication and food, and a tiny window, used by the guards to make sure you are alive and breathing. The fact that they even have to check if you are alive should be a red flag to society. You are here for twenty three hours a day with only one hour of â€Å"recreation† outside of this cell. This time can be used to shower, workout or make a phone call, but you are still isolated. You are here locked up for weeks, months, or maybe even years. Throughout this whole time, you are left alone with no meaningful activity; just yourself and your thoughts, which can eventually drive you mad. This is solitary confinement. According to the Washington Post's â€Å"The Torture of Solitude,† â€Å"The United States holds the highest number of prisoners in solitary confinement of any democratic nation...â⠂¬  This is what approximately 80,000 prisoners across America have to suffer through. This is what the rest of the United States population should consider immoral. Solitary confinement was first introduced as a â€Å"humane alternative to hanging almost two hundred years ago† (ABS News). Yet there is nothing humane about it. The American Penal System needs to ban long term solitary confinement because it is unnecessary, inhumane, and ineffective. Many sentences of solitary confinement are unnecessary because many prisoners do not deserve such a harsh punishment. Deciding to place a criminal in solitary should be a last resort. Prison is a good enough punishment for people who have committed petty crimes. It is unnecessary for them to be placed in solitary, if they are not a danger to th... ... so they can eventually learn from their wrongs. They are eventually going to be integrated back into society, so we should help them become better people. Works Cited ABC News. "Solitary Confinement: No Way Out of the Monster Factory." YouTube. YouTube, 20 Sept. 2012. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. Curtis, Abigail. "Is Solitary Confinement Torture?: Proposed Bill would Place Limits on use of Solitary Confinement in State Prison." McClatchy - Tribune Business News. Oct 24 2009. ProQuest. Web. 28 Oct. 2013 . National Geographic Society. â€Å"Explorer: Solitary Confinement.† National Geographic Channel. Web Video. 22 Nov. 2013. "NYCLU Report Exposes Inhumane, Arbitrary use of Solitary Confinement in NY State Prisons." Targeted News Service. Oct 02 2012. ProQuest. Web. 28 Oct. 2013. "The Torture of Solitude." Washington Post. 2 July 2012. Academic OneFile. Web. 28 Oct. 2013.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Playing Field Hockey: Men vs. Women

Being pushed to the ground and completely dominated by the opposite sex in a so-called â€Å"all women’s sport† is not fun. Men believe that it is fair to play field hockey on women’s teams because if not it goes against the whole â€Å"everyone being equal† our society has put amongst us today. The number of men playing field hockey on women’s teams is increasing: â€Å"In the 2009-10 school year, according to a survey by the National Federation of State High School Associations, 308 boys were on girls teams compared with 174 the year before† (USA Today).Men should not play field hockey because it’s not a fair game and is dangerous. There are plenty of other male sports, like ice hockey, in which they can interact in. I have had first-hand experience playing against men in high school and it gave me a strong opposition to men playing field hockey. Many might not want to believe it but men and woman are capable of different things. Men are better at some things and women are better at other things.Men should not play field hockey because men and women have a different skill sets in power, speed, stamina and skill. Strength can be defined in a number of ways. Men tend to have better upper body strength than women which is the key to being a good field hockey player. The differences in strength, is men have more total muscle mass than females. â€Å"Gross measures of upper body strength suggest an average 40-50% difference between the sexes, compared to a 30% difference in lower body strength† (Gender Differences in Endurance Performance and Training).People who see it as a dangerous element are against men playing field hockey but others also say that if they don’t let men play on women’s teams then it could be seen as discrimination. It is not a fair game when men are playing on a women’s team. Reasons for this is men have a different level of competition; have more power and more aggr ession. Men will usually take their anger out on the field and be more aggressive when hitting the ball. When playing in a game of field hockey the constant swinging of the stick can be dangerous for those who have a lot more power.The game of field hockey doesn’t require much equipment to wear during the game either. The protection is shin guards, goggles and a mouth guard. It is not discriminating if men are not allowed to play field hockey because it is safer to keep the game all girls. All girls somewhat have the same body strength. I think that there are all men sports similar to field hockey, such as, ice hockey, lacrosse and soccer that men can play and keep it fair or they could create a separate league for men.All three of these similar sports have separated the men and women. Field hockey has always been one sport that only has one league. If I had not played against any guys in high school, my opinion would be different. I believe that all men and women are equal a nd I would think that it was ok for men to play field hockey. However, my junior year there was one team that had a guy playing for them. His position was offense so he was always on my defending end of the field. Luckily, I did not have to defend him but one of my teammates did very strongly.He was very aggressive and did not give a care in the world that he was playing against girls half the size of him. I think that his team used him to their advantage and he was getting most of their goals because my teammates were backing off when he would begin to swing. The year after two of the ten teams we played had one boy on their team. This time I was defending one of the guys. It was scary at first because I was not used to defending a male carrying the ball down the field. They both used their bodies to push us away and we did not have enough composure to hold ourselves up.I believe that only to a certain extent that it is ok for men to play field hockey but only if it makes the game fair. As for right now, men should just stick to playing field hockey on an all men’s team to keep it fair game. I believe that there are similar sports for men to play if they enjoy field hockey or they could just play on an all men’s team. Field hockey is a very big sport and has come a long way from when it first started. Experiencing this personally has proven to me that it is dangerous for women to play against men in field hockey.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

How To Motivate Students Education Essay

What is physical instruction? What do people presents know about the importance of wellness fittingness? Physical instruction is a class taken in primary and secondary instruction which involves physically learning and psychomotor acquisition. People presents take everything for granted ; they take their ain wellness for granted. They do n't truly care about fittingness and psychomotor acquisition. This is why physical instruction non treated earnestly in every educational institute. Based on some researches, there is a study has been conducted by â€Å" Singapore athleticss council in 2001 shows that most of the pupils does non exert on a regular basis. † Besides, there is another study on the new consumption of 800 pupils conducted in ITE East ( Yishun ) in 2001 showed that up to 94 % did non like PE and ne'er exercised on a regular basis. ( adapted from â€Å" advanced ways in actuating pupils in physical instruction class- HUSSAIN KADIR ( SH/PE/YS ) TAN MENG HUAY ( SH/PE/MP ) ) . Our instruction system is concentrates more on faculty members alternatively on pupils ‘ physical development. Schools in Malaysia instead to state neglected the importance of physical instruction. Based on the timetable in every school, physical instruction category seems likely to be one time a hebdomad and 40 proceedingss. Students get demotivated and lost their involvement in physical instruction category. Based on a instructor who mentioned that â€Å" Peoples did, and possibly still do, believe of physical instruction as recess clip, † said Shelley Randall, a P.E. instructor at Obsidian Middle School and a member of the Oregon Department of Education commission developing the criterions. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. ( December 4, 2000 ) . The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon. ) . This shows that people still in their conservative ‘s head which academic ways excessively of import than anything else that they neglected that physical instruction plays an of import function in academic as good. Harmonizing to an article, Judith Young, executive manager of the National Association of Sports and Physical Education, said she was n't certain P.E. of all time had a major academic function. â€Å" But honestly, we are seeing a demand for it now because our life styles are acquiring progressively sedentary, † she said, mentioning many immature people who would instead play a football game on a computing machine than travel outside and toss the pigskin around with friends. ( Adapted from Taylor, Ted. ( December 4, 2000 ) . The Bulletin. Bend, Oregon. ) . These are the groundss show that physical instruction was n't truly treated earnestly in school that is why demotivates pupils in their physical instruction category.Why pupils were n't interested in physica l instruction ‘s category?The whole worldwide is promoting that in reinforce the instruction system by stress the importance in physical instruction. As we know that physical instruction non merely merely helps to better wellness but accomplishment development, which allows for gratifying engagement in any physical activities in a proper appropriate techniques. But, why pupils presents were n't interested in physical instruction category? Many factor either from internal or external bring immense impacts on the school childs ‘ involvement in school. First, the school plays an of import function in taking attention of pupils ‘ academic public presentations. The school concerns their pupils ‘ academic public presentations and their school good built repute. This is the ground how the school pushes the pupils and instructors so hard to keep their public presentations in such a nerve-racking state of affairs. The category timetable consisted 9 periods a twenty-four hours, and each period is 40 proceedingss. Apparently, the whole twenty-four hours in school was sedentary activities alternatively of holding any physical activities. Students were all twenty-four hours packed with talks in category and stuck on the chair about half a twenty-four hours non-stop. The lone thing they will travel their organic structure is when they have to go to to the washroom or their 20 proceedingss recess times which they w ill merely sit and eat. Initially, school cut down the physical instruction category into 2 periods one time in a hebdomad for each category. Basically, one time a hebdomad the pupils have their physical instruction category or the full one and a half hours. The clip agendas for physical instruction is merely unjust, either they arranges the category to after recess clip or 2 periods before the school terminal. In the forenoon session, some physical instruction category arranges after deferral clip or in the center of 3rd or 4th period right before the deferral clip. This uneven timing discourage pupils ‘ involvement in participate themselves in the category. Students need times to acquire alteration and took up half of the clip that affected the instruction procedure in the category. Besides, some instructor who might took up the excess times after the bell rang, and this is one of the issues that affected the physical instruction category. Therefore, pupils have deficient clip to acquire alteration and gather at the gym or school field. P.E instructor ever faces this sort of jobs, deficient times to complete her learning course of study. Plus, pupils hates to acquire alteration once more and once more for that one hr plus. They think it was truly troublesome particularly for misss. Students need to wait in a long line to acquire alter back to pinafore under the sweaty, uncomfortable state of affairs. Girls particularly who have menses job will seek their really best to avoid participate in P.E category. School ‘s environment besides is an issue in detering pupils participates in P.E category. The school environment such as the washrooms, the location for P.E category, and so on. School that have deficient washrooms may impact the pupils larning temper and enthusiastic in larning. If the washroom is excessively little or deficient, pupils face jobs in waiting in a long line to acquire alteration. Possibly there are 20-25 misss in a category and they might necessitate some times to acquire alteration and delay in a line. This will impact the clip direction in P.E category, and the whole instruction process. Besides, if the washroom ‘s status was unhygienic is such a bend off for pupils to travel in and alter into their P.E suits. Students will happen alibis such as left their suits at place, or non experiencing good merely to avoid acquire alteration and fall in the category. Furthermore, some school does n't possess with full equipment such as broad field, equipment room, basic games ‘ tribunals. Students and instructor ever cracks their caput looking for topographic points to hold their category. Students will experience tired and demotivated and acquire bored easy. Incomplete equipment such as insufficient of balls and so on might impact the instruction activities and pupils will acquire distracted because have to wait for their bend to play the game. Next, the instructor and pupils ‘ parents think that physical instruction was n't a existent topic. But, the fact is critical. On the school field, there are 30 over pupils environing their P.E instructor. But, when the instructor carries out an activity with the pupils the responds from the pupils are so direct and clear that whether they are basking the category. We can see that there are a batch of childs standing about and socialising or waiting in line or watching other kids play. This proves that the basic lesson program was n't truly good prepared. Besides, experts have determined what ‘s incorrect is that in most schools, the P.E. instructors are undertrained. In my sentiment, I doubted that Malaysia do hold sufficient trained P.E instructors. Malaysia ‘s schools system considered instead uneven, they merely offer the P.E category to some instructors who are non trained in this field. So, is truly common that mathematics teacher or possibly English instructo r who are learning P.E every bit good. Those untrained instructor decidedly conducted the category by utilizing the text edition and ball games were n't truly learning the correct and accurate techniques and accomplishments to the pupils. That is why lesson program was n't truly good planned and prepared, and state of affairs such as pupils rolling about, socialising with one another, instead stares at the grass, deficiency of involvement in take parting in the category occurs. The chief ground is the category is tiring and non good managed. Parents on the other manus, who thinks faculty members are extremely of import that determined their kids ‘s hereafter. In fact, when a existent trained P.E instructor was carry oning the category parents should come in and see that there ‘s existent direction traveling on. Quality physical instruction is non roll out the ball and drama. Parents ever thinks that eat healthier will better wellness. Although they knows that exercising on a regular basis is the best manner to maintain healthy and fitness, deep down in their head was that such a waste of clip for their childs to run along and turn over with the balls. Physical instruction non merely educates pupils but parents every bit good. Harmonizing to Welscher from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, â€Å" They need to cognize that what it ‘s traveling to learn is things that are traveling to do them unrecorded longer, a whole batch happier, protect them from a batch of negative behaviours, better their mental wellness and this is at least every bit of import as many of the other topics. † Parents should hold encourages their kids take part in P.E category. As a parent, it is of import for them to keep engagement in kids ‘s instruction so that can guarantee he or she attains the cognition, accomplishments and attitudes necessary to take a healthy, active and productive life.How to actuate pupils to take portion in physical instruction ‘s category?There are few tips that show that benefits in taking portion in physical activities, such as it helps to better wellness. Regular exercisings helps to go around our blood circulation and our articulations wo n't turn to rusty. It helps to forestall bosom diseases, counteracts with the hazard in fleshiness, diseases, inaction and high blood pressure. With 20 proceedingss walk can assist to go around the blood circulation around our bosom and heighten the map of our bosom in healthy status. Obesity and high blood pressure c an forestall with 30 proceedingss jogs. After some physical activities, it helps to review a individual ‘s head. After discoursing the benefits of regular physical activity and all the factors that demotivated pupils take parting in P.E category, there are ways in motivates them in the category. How to promote and actuate pupils take portion in their P.E category? There are many ways in motivate pupils take portion in the category. Of class we opted for long term solutions alternatively of short term solutions. Short term solutions such as payoffs the pupils by utilizing extravaganza ‘s awards or possibly hard currencies to tempt the pupils in taking portion in the category. This will ne'er work out. They are temporally attracted pupils for a short clip and the aims will ne'er accomplish. The school, instructors, pupils and parents have the duty to get the better of this job. The school should seek to see this as serious affair by non merely stress in academic public presentation. School should hold tried to work out some plans to promote pupils take portion in physical instruction category. They should hold planned to hold their athleticss twenty-four hours during the weekdays as attending is mandatory. Many schools usually have their athleticss twenty-four hours during weekend. Weekends supposed to be non school twenty-four hours, this is the chief ground that pupils will ne'er turned up and shows the enterprise to take part in any athleticss plans. Even the instructors were deficiency of motive to carry on the event or activity in a proper mode. In my sentiment, the school should form some athleticss plans or activities for the whole hebdomad. In the whole hebdomad, half of the twenty-four hours pupils are occupied with all kinds of plans. Such as interclass games competition, some in charge of holding healthy and fitness mini seminar. The school can ask for professionals to give negotiations or seminars to the pupils. This whole physical instruction hebdomad should form systematically, is meaningful and instruction intents. Besides, pupils felt bored in P.E category is because of the instructor is untrained and was n't specialized in this field. This may do confusion to the pupils. The best thing that can make is, have the instructors attend the workshop in physical instruction. A productive and knowing instructor is a successful pedagogue. Teacher who are specialized or non in this field should educate themselves more in this field, they should fix themselves in any state of affairs such as learning the topic that they may non familiar with. Teacher should fix interesting lesson program and activities in order to allow larning come on takes topographic point. Teacher should be willing to larn and derive more Cognition: As a physical instruction teacher have to larn about new activities and games, and use them into their lesson programs. P.E instructors should larn new games and convey them into category. By conveying in new games it will non merely broaden pupils ‘ cognition of new accomplishment s, but they will besides hold merriment larning new and different accomplishments. The instructor ‘s attitude is besides really of import in learning. Teacher should cognize how to manage schoolroom direction so that pupils will esteem he/her and take things earnestly in physical instruction. Teachers should ever possesses with positives attitude, ever promote pupils, ne'er give up easy, and should act upon the pupils in what is meant to be good for them. The most of import thing is acquire to cognize them, understand them, and acquire to cognize what their demands are. Caring is ever the most effectual ways in learning advancement. Following, parents and schools bond with each other in an indirect manner. Parents play an of import function in this issue. Most of the parents thought that P.E category is such a waste of clip, and a load to a kid for conveying excess apparels to school. Most parents have irrational ideas such as, a batch of wash to make if conveying excess P.E suits and so on. Parents should hold promote their kids how of import P.E is and should take part to the full in the category. Besides, parents should frequently exposed P.E activity to their kids since immature or day-to-day. It is a necessity to expose physical activity to kids daily so that they will maintain it as a wont. While the school environment besides of import in work outing this job. School should concern and take this earnestly in bettering the installations in school. Such as, the athletics ‘s field, the equipment room and etc. Particularly the field, school authorization should take attention of the field as in trim the grass or repair the holes on the land. This can cut down the hazard of hurt among the pupils. With a good cared field, pupils will love the field and willing to stretch their articulations in any conditions. The equipment room should ever updates. Balls particularly ever a job for every school, deficient sums of balls ever create mayhem in P.E category. The school individual in charge should look into the staying stocks systematically. Replace those equipments which are disfunctions with new, add in better equipment in order to heighten the quality in learning. The school environment such as renovates the lavatory into broad infinite for pupils able to acquire alterat ion or built in athleticss shower room for pupils to take a shower before they continue their following category. Besides, authorities should take this earnestly as in advancing how of import P.E is and encourages the society starts to concentrate in P.E activity. The authorities should advance scholarship strategies or better offer in athleticss academy for every pupil who contributes in athleticss or P.E category. The authorities should promote each school to hold a certified certifications to demo properties to all the pupils who did good in their P.E category. This will promote and motivates the P.E civilization in Malaysia shortly. â€Å" The best P.E. category and plan will maintain pupils in head that this cognition can last for a life-time. † ( Adapted from article: I hate P.E )

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Shell Script essay

buy custom Backup/Shell Script essay Numerous scripts implementation is often difficult and time consuming when done at different times. The task reduces the man hours and thus the cost of production within a firm. This can however be avoided through the use of an automatic backup program available in Linux software. The program consequently allows efficient and effective utilization of valuable resources within a computer. This paper will seek to analyze how backup/ shell script enhances data restoration process in a Linux Based Computer network for a productive and efficient output. Although backup system is continuous, the paper will advise on when to strategically upgrade the system. Introduction The main objective of this task is to identify the advantages of using the backup restoration program in your system. The paper will also evaluate the systems memory, storage and the unused space in all the peripherals within a computer. The information will assist the users to effectively plan on the filling systems to use and advise them on how to avoid heavy traffic filling in a single peripheral. Proper memory usage will significantly assist in the identification of the systems that needs upgrade before they cause damage or loss to the user. Main body The Linux Based Computer networks mainly provide one of the best data command systems in the entire network software. The software efficiency goes beyond what the user mainly expect but can only be attained with the relevant knowledge at hand. Companies and firms with multiple users may efficiently monitor and coordinate data transmission through the use of command system. Companies can also significantly reduce time spent in accessing data and files since the system elimiates redundancy and backup of the unnecessary files (George, 2011). The users are advised to use the four successive commands in order to have an effective memory usage reports. All this commanding facilities are available to all the users of Linux and are aimed at making sure that no data is lost due to PC fail. Linux provides this automatic restoration package called rsync, which is necessary for backing-up your computer files and thus avoid loss in case of a PC fails. The rsync command-line tool automatically copies any new file available in your computer. It can be done through Backup/home rsync -av /home/code. Alternatively, it can be done through media/Backup/home rsync av (Perdue University, 2011). It takes just a minimal time to do that unlike the other copying method that you may think of using. The creation of backup script which runs which runs parallel with the rsync to backup only what you really need and disregard what you do not need. This is mainly necessitated by the creation of a BASH script which operates as an rsync backup. This backup facility is provided well by Linux due to the compatibility issue (Negus Caen, 2008). In order to avoid the scanning of the duplicated files, FSlint application tool can be installed in your system from the Ubuntu synaptic package manager (George, 2011). FSlint is a very efficient application tool which searches through the directories and report any cases of file duplication and empty directories in your system. As a user it is important to connect an external hard drive to your system which Ubuntu will automatically connect through the use of graphical tool GParted. You can then command your GParted to create, delete or resize partitions in your system. Depending on the type of Linux you are using, different system application can be used to ease up the accessibility of the data. In some cases you may be required to skip the local/share /trash directory in order to avoid backing up your deleted files. Alternatively you can use a special tool known as the Disk Usage Analyzer in the Ubuntu application menu to scan through the directory and graphically show the space used by each directory (Negus, 2009). And with such analysis the user can identify the log files which are growing into a massive size and reduce them appropriately. Conclusion In conclusion it is advisable for you to mount a backup volume into your system, followed with a multiple commanding reports. The command applications are simple and easy to facilitate, making Linux Based Computer the best in the private and commercial markets. The reporting commands also make it suitable for monitoring process where many users are involved. That will enable you to have an effective and efficient backup restoration program which will assist you to back up your files in a re-usable form. It will also prevent data loss as it involves an entire copying of all files including the most recent ones into a new file system which is not affected by the PC failure. With such a backup system in your computer, you can be assured of data safety and reliability which is vital in both private and business use. Such a program is beneficial to both the private and commercial users since it will greatly reduce the time spent accessing data files and consequently reduce the operational cost of the system. Because it is a pre-diagnostic measure, it safeguards users from the unforeseeable conditions which may lead to system failure. Buy custom Backup/Shell Script essay

Monday, November 4, 2019

Reflection 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reflection 3 - Essay Example There should be that feeling of respect for the old. Most of the older people in the community do not have specific needs which can be outlined but it appears that they are less likely to receive such care because of their age in the society. Many people including practicing nurses tend to ignore them when offering health and social care in the society just because of their inherent age. Nonetheless, my intention as a practicing nurse in this aspect of health and social care is to take care for the old people in the community who need a lot of care at their ages. They need to be encouraged, given mental counseling, advising them on how to undergo treatments, administering to them medicines among other ways ((Bayer, Tadd, & Krajcik 2005, p. 22) The advances to help the old people in the community have been made initially by other people, but as far as this model is concerned, a lot of reflection, further action and improvement is required. This work will help encourage nurses to develop and grow a positive attitude towards the old people in the society as well as help them embrace positive aspects of respect and help them to understand that old people are very important members of the society who can control their own lives. This will encourage nurses to value the old people, and to take care of them as well as promoting opportunities for well-being and psychological developments rather than promoting helplessness and deterioration (Williams & Irurita 2005. p 501). This idea of health and social care for the old people presents a challenge for us as nurses to change from a medical perspective and to focus more on health promotions as well as preventing ill health among the old people. This ensures that majority of these older people enjoy healthy and fulfilling lives just like the other members of the community and that they can make a positive contribution to the community (Bayer, Tadd, & Krajcik

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 27

Philosophy - Essay Example However, scientists throughout the history have argued about the existence of free will. They describe the hidden and uncontrollable factors responsible for human actions. Therefore, genuine freewill has no veracity, as one’s actions are pre-determined by the controlling factors. Scientists believe that behavioral patterns depict the existence of controlling factors which are unconsciously and consciously present in the society. This scientific notion indicates that most actions of a human are subconsciously rooted or extracted from the previously observed patterns of behavior. Thus, this makes humans unaware of the cause of their actions. In addition to it, scientists object to the invisible forces of motivation. They determine them as visible sources which humans can see to an extent that they recognize their source of inspiration for any action, which consequently determines their predictable course of action. The idea of invisible forces inspiring humans for voluntary actions serves only to justify oneself incase of resorting to it (Caruso, 2012). Determinism has established a theory that human actions are a result of old patterns of behavior and are based on former experience of events. Thus, it excludes the freewill concept and is based on metaphysical theory that any uncaused incident is impossible. Free will describes one’s course of action as a choice or decision and determinism describes the happening of an event as an expected outcome based on former experience and hence choice is not in the control of the agents due to the law of nature. Therefore, the above theory negates the responsibility of one’s action onto him. If the theory is true then every action of a human being is necessitated by events, which are fixed in pattern even before the existence of the agent. If this theory is accepted wholly then all the actions come under the category of determinism, which leaves one with the absence of